What Remains
DAY 126
I apologize for not writing for quite a while. After Day 84, I found writing a tad too painful. I have good news, though. I finally completed an inventory of everything in the Chambre. To date, I have discovered that there are exactly 461 bricks in the walls of the Chambre, as well as 29 planks in the floor, and 23 in the ceiling. There are 3 sconces (each with 3 candles, 9 in total), 4 pens, 1 ink well, 24 colours of oil paint, 10 horsehair brushes of differing sizes, 1 water jar, 12 paintings by Edmondine Fisk, 1 by Christian Toth, 1 mattress, 1 goose feather pillow, 1 pillow case, 1 sheet, 1 feather blanket, 1 writing desk, 1 set of drawers (with 3 drawers), 1 easel, 1 hammer, 1 saw, 13 14 spare nails, 1 chair, this journal, and the lady in the painting. Plus Edmond, if you count the presence of his mind in Edmondine’s body. |